Can I use HTML in WordPress?

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Barry Dyngles

Are you wondering if you can use HTML in WordPress? Well, the answer is yes! HTML is an essential component of WordPress and is an integral part of the platform. WordPress is built on HTML, the language used to create webpages, and the platform allows users to add HTML code to their posts and pages to customize them further.

What Is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the language used to create web documents. HTML is a markup language that uses tags to define elements on a page and tell the browser how the content should be displayed. It is a fundamental building block of the internet and is essential for creating webpages.

How Does HTML Work with WordPress?

HTML is used to create the basic structure of WordPress pages and posts. When you create a new post or page in WordPress, the platform creates the HTML code that defines the structure of the page. This code includes the tags used to define the post or page, the headings, paragraphs, lists, and other elements of the page.

The HTML code is then stored in the WordPress database. When someone visits the page, the PHP code of the WordPress theme retrieves the HTML code from the database and displays it to the visitor.

Using HTML in WordPress

WordPress allows users to add HTML code to their posts and pages to customize them further. This can be done by going to the Text Editor view when editing a post or page. Here you can add HTML code directly to the post or page.

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You can also add HTML code to the header and footer of your WordPress site by editing the header.php and footer.php files in the theme editor. This can be done by going to Appearance > Theme Editor in the WordPress dashboard and selecting the header.php or footer.php file.


So yes, you can use HTML in WordPress. HTML is an essential component of WordPress and is used to create the basic structure of WordPress pages and posts. WordPress also allows users to add HTML code to their posts and pages to customize them further.

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