Tag: website-building

When it comes to website development, one question that always arises is whether HTML is better than WordPress. Both offer various advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to consider the purpose of the website, cost, and time investment before making a decision. HTML is a markup language used for website creation. It works by

Barry Dyngles
July 22, 2022

In recent years, the term ‘low code’ has become increasingly popular in the software development industry. Low code solutions are designed to reduce the amount of programming required to create complex applications and websites, and many developers are turning to them as a way to speed up their development process. One of the most popular

Barry Dyngles
July 16, 2022

Are you wondering if you can use HTML in WordPress? Well, the answer is yes! HTML is an essential component of WordPress and is an integral part of the platform. WordPress is built on HTML, the language used to create webpages, and the platform allows users to add HTML code to their posts and pages

Barry Dyngles
July 13, 2022

Can I Use HTML and CSS in WordPress? Websites built on the WordPress platform are no longer limited to just the WordPress dashboard to make changes. With the right knowledge, you can use HTML and CSS to customize the look and feel of your WordPress website. In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of HTML

Barry Dyngles
June 5, 2022

What are Shopify Templates? Shopify templates are pre-made website designs that you can use to quickly create an online store. With Shopify, you don’t need to know any coding or web design to create a beautiful store. All you need to do is pick a template, customize it, and add your products. How to Choose

Barry Dyngles
June 1, 2022

WordPress is a popular website development platform, but is it better than HTML? To answer that question, we must first understand what HTML is and how it differs from WordPress. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a programming language used to create web pages. It is responsible for the structure of the page, including the

Barry Dyngles
May 4, 2022

The debate between Python and HTML for web development is an ongoing one. Both of these languages provide a great deal of power and flexibility when it comes to building websites and web applications. So, which one is the better option for web development? To answer this question, it’s important to understand the distinctions between

Barry Dyngles
April 26, 2022

WordPress has become one of the most popular and widely used content management systems on the web, largely due to its ease of use and open source nature. But what language is WordPress written in and has it changed since its first release in 2003? WordPress is primarily written in the server-side scripting language PHP,

Barry Dyngles
March 17, 2022