What is lifecycle hooks in Angular?

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Barry Dyngles

Angular is an open-source JavaScript-based web application framework that is used for creating dynamic web applications. One of the most important features of Angular is its lifecycle hooks, which allow us to tap into specific moments in the lifecycle of a component. In this article, we will discuss what lifecycle hooks are and how they can be used in Angular.

Lifecycle hooks are special methods that get called at specific points in the lifecycle of a component. They are triggered when a component is being initialized, updated, or destroyed. This allows us to perform specific tasks at each point in the lifecycle, such as setting up data bindings or cleaning up after a component is destroyed.

There are several types of lifecycle hooks in Angular, such as ngOnInit(), ngOnChanges(), ngDoCheck(), ngOnDestroy(), ngAfterContentInit(), ngAfterContentChecked(), ngAfterViewInit(), and ngAfterViewChecked(). These can be used to perform tasks at specific points in the lifecycle of a component, such as setting up data bindings, updating them when necessary, and performing any necessary cleanup tasks before a component is destroyed.

Lifecycle hooks are an important feature of Angular. They allow us to tap into specific moments in the lifecycle of a component and perform tasks at each point. With lifecycle hooks, we can ensure that our components are initialized, updated, and destroyed in a consistent and predictable manner.

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