Tag: reactjs

What is Angular? Angular is an open-source framework maintained by Google. It’s used to create dynamic single-page web applications and mobile applications. The framework is written in JavaScript and consists of a set of libraries, tools, and components. Advantages of Angular One of the main advantages of Angular is its modular structure. This means you

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Barry Dyngles
May 4, 2022

How To Build With Next.js How To Build With Next.js Next.js is an open source React framework that makes it easy to build production-grade web applications. With Next.js, developers can quickly set up a server-rendered React application with built-in routing. It also comes with a wide range of features, such as server-side rendering, static exporting,

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Barry Dyngles
April 25, 2022

ReactJS is an open-source, JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Developed by Facebook and released in 2013, ReactJS has quickly become one of the most popular web development technologies. With its component-based approach to building user interfaces, ReactJS is a great choice for developing complex, interactive web applications. But, can you build apps with ReactJS?

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Barry Dyngles
March 17, 2022

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used to create user interfaces for web applications. Developed by Facebook, it’s now used by many high-profile companies, such as Airbnb, Netflix, and PayPal. ReactJS is an easy and simple framework to learn, making it an attractive choice for developers just starting out with web development. But is ReactJS

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Barry Dyngles
March 12, 2022