Tag: tutorials

Is Angular Easy or Hard? Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used to create powerful single-page applications. It is a complex and powerful framework, but many developers find it difficult to learn and use. So, is Angular easy or hard? That depends on your programming background and experience. If you are new to web development

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Barry Dyngles
May 7, 2023

<div class=”content-wrapper” [ngClass]=”adminLTE.getContentWrapperClasses()”> <!– Content here –> </div> <div class=”main-footer” [ngClass]=”adminLTE.getFooterClasses()”> <!– Footer content here –> </div> </div> This code will add the HTML structure for the dashboard. You can also customize the dashboard with custom CSS. To do this, open the stylesheet file and add the following code: @import ‘@angular-dashboard/admin-lte/themes/adminlte.theme.css’; This code will import

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Barry Dyngles
April 17, 2023

WordPress is a versatile and popular content management system (CMS) widely used for crafting and managing websites. The user-friendly interface of WordPress makes it the favorite choice of numerous web developers. But, is WordPress easy to learn for a web developer? In this article, we’ll investigate the answer to this question and explore why WordPress

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Barry Dyngles
April 9, 2023

How to Integrate Admin Template in Angular 8? Angular 8 is a powerful and popular JavaScript framework used to create dynamic web applications. It is a great tool for developing complex and data-driven web applications. Angular 8 also provides great features for integrating admin templates into your application. This article will provide a step-by-step guide

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Barry Dyngles
February 18, 2023

The development of ReactJS has been a game-changer in the world of web development. It has completely revolutionized the way websites are created, allowing developers to create dynamic, user-friendly websites with ease. But is ReactJS easier than JavaScript? To answer this question, it is important to first understand the differences between the two languages. JavaScript

Best CRM Tools

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Barry Dyngles
January 15, 2023