Tag: mysql

What Skills Should A WordPress Developer Have? The demand for WordPress developers is increasing as businesses and individuals recognize the value of having an online presence. To be a successful WordPress developer, one must have a strong foundation in web development, programming, and design. This includes understanding HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Linux operating system, MySQL, PHP,

Best CRM Tools

Custom CRM Development

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Barry Dyngles
December 4, 2022

Node.js is a powerful and versatile JavaScript runtime, enabling developers to create dynamic web applications and servers with ease. However, when it comes to databases, Node.js developers often find themselves at a crossroads, as there are many different types of databases that can be used with Node.js. When it comes to databases, there are several

Best CRM Tools

Custom CRM Development

Sales CRM Software

Free CRM Software

Barry Dyngles
September 20, 2022