Tag: coding

If you’re looking to learn how to code in NextJS, you’ve come to the right place. NextJS is an open-source framework for creating server-side rendered (SSR) and statically generated React applications. It is considered to be one of the most popular frameworks for building React applications and is used by many large companies like Twitter,

Barry Dyngles
August 6, 2022

When it comes to website development, one question that always arises is whether HTML is better than WordPress. Both offer various advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to consider the purpose of the website, cost, and time investment before making a decision. HTML is a markup language used for website creation. It works by

Barry Dyngles
July 22, 2022

Are you wondering if you can use HTML in WordPress? Well, the answer is yes! HTML is an essential component of WordPress and is an integral part of the platform. WordPress is built on HTML, the language used to create webpages, and the platform allows users to add HTML code to their posts and pages

Barry Dyngles
July 13, 2022

Using HTML Template in Angular Is it Possible to Use HTML Template in Angular? The short answer is yes, it is possible to use HTML templates in Angular. Angular is a popular framework for developing web applications, and HTML templates are often used as part of the development process. This article will explain what HTML

Barry Dyngles
July 7, 2022

Are you a developer wrestling with the decision between learning Node.js or Spring? Making the right call on the technology for your project can be tricky. In this article, we’ll take a look at the contrasts between Node.js and Spring, including the advantages and disadvantages of each technology. What is Node.js? Node.js is an open-source

Barry Dyngles
June 30, 2022

Does Next.js Work Without JavaScript? Next.js is a popular web application framework that is used to create dynamic webpages and build server-side rendered applications. But the question remains: Does Next.js work without JavaScript? The short answer is yes, Next.js does work without JavaScript. However, it is important to note that enabling JavaScript will make the

Barry Dyngles
June 19, 2022

Should I Learn HTML or ReactJS? Should I Learn HTML or ReactJS? Choosing the right web development language to learn can be a daunting task. With the ever-expanding list of options, it can be hard to determine which one is right for you. If you are looking for a language to learn for web development,

Barry Dyngles
June 12, 2022

Node.js is one of the most sought-after JavaScript frameworks for developing powerful and feature-rich web applications. To become an effective Node.js developer, you must possess certain essential skills, such as a strong understanding of JavaScript, experience with Node.js frameworks, knowledge of web technologies, familiarity with relational and non-relational databases, and a solid grasp of version

Barry Dyngles
June 7, 2022

Can I Use HTML and CSS in WordPress? Websites built on the WordPress platform are no longer limited to just the WordPress dashboard to make changes. With the right knowledge, you can use HTML and CSS to customize the look and feel of your WordPress website. In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of HTML

Barry Dyngles
June 5, 2022

Creating a Template in Vue Creating a template in Vue is an essential step in any Vue application. Whether you’re creating a single page application, a complex web application, or just a simple website, having a template is key to quickly and easily defining how your application or website works. This article will guide you

Barry Dyngles
May 24, 2022